
Transforming Conflict

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Conflict is a normal part of living in a diverse world. Transforming Conflict: Tools for Building Respect in Our Diverse World teaches students to approach conflicts with cooperation and mutual respect. 

We are proud to present our newest curriculum, Transforming ConflictFeatures include:

  • Interactive lessons and activities designed for Grades 6-12
  • Full alignment with Common Core ELA-Literacy, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, and Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning standards
  • Profiles of five of Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action to connect student learning to real-world experiences

Transforming Conflict teaches vital social and emotional skills. Students will:

  • Understand that conflict is a normal part of living in a diverse world
  • Practice skills of self-understanding, respectful communication, and empathetic concern
  • Learn about role models among Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action who are transforming conflicts around the globe
  • Explore how to apply conflict transformation skills in everyday life

Share your thoughts on Transforming Conflict here.

Transforming Conflict is available for free thanks to the Nissan Foundation.
For more information, contact 
[email protected] today.