World Olympics, Second Edition
Click here to download the complete World Olympics curriculum
The Olympic Games are a powerful example of an event where people with vast differences and remarkable similarities come together in the spirit of respect and goodwill. World Olympics builds on this popular event to teach social and emotional skills of respect for religious and cultural differences.
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We are proud to present the Second Edition of our World Olympics curriculum for Grades 3-8! Features include:
- New and updated lessons and activities
- Strengthened alignment with Common Core ELA-Literacy, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, and Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning standards
- Tips for adapting the curriculum to K-2 settings
- Helpful reference materials on the history of the Olympic games, major world religions, social and emotional learning, and inclusive learning practices
World Olympics teaches students the values of teamwork and respect for each other’s differences Students will be able to:
- Practice teamwork and good sportspersonship
- Celebrate the religious and cultural diversity of the nations that participate in the Olympic Games
- Understand the history and values of the Olympic Games
- Recognize and challenge harmful stereotypes
- Build skills of active listening, respectful questioning, and showing concern for the feelings of others
To learn more about Tanenbaum’s World Olympics curriculum and whether it is right for your classroom, contact us today at [email protected]
Free Webinars for K-6 Educators
Tanenbaum makes it easy for educators to teach about respect for the world’s cultural and religious diversity with a free six-part webinar series. This series is based on our creative, academically integrated K-6 World Olympics curriculum. Step-by-step strategies and turnkey resources let you implement a fun and engaging program that meets learning standards and promotes both physical and socio-emotional health. For assistance, contact us at [email protected].
Special thanks to the Nissan Foundation for supporting the following webinars: