
Reading Lists for Educators

We want you to have the tools you need to create fresh, multi-cultural classrooms. Download helpful articles, browse our suggested books (just click on the title to learn more and purchase them at, or follow our helpful links.

We appreciate your feedback, so let us know if there’s something we should add here! Contact us at [email protected]!

Downloadable Readings

The Fiction of “Diversity Without Oppression”: Race, Ethnicity, Identity and Power, Margaret L. Anderson

Arab Stereotypes and American Educators, Marvin Wingfield and Bushra Karaman

Christian Privilege: Breaking a Sacred Taboo, Lewis Z. Schlosser

Confronting Islamophobia in Education, Dhaya Ramarajan and Marcella Runell-Hall

Ten Core Ingredients for Fostering Campus Diversity Success, Katrina Wade Golden, Ph.D. and John Matlock, Ph.D.

Suggested Books on Multicultural Education

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald Takaki

Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children, Louise Derman-Sparks and the A.B.C. Taskforce

A People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present, Howard Zinn

Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Multicultural, Anti-Racist Education and Staff Development, Enid Lee, Deborah Menkary and Margo Okazawa-Rey

Black Ants and Buddhists: Thinking Critically and Teaching Differently in the Primary Grades, Mary Cowhey

Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education, James Banks and Cherry A. McGee Banks

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, James W. Lowen

Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice, Maurianne Adams, Lee Anne Bell and Pat Griffin

That’s Not Fair! A Teacher’s Guide to Activism with Young Children, Ann Pelo and Fran Davidson

The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children, Gloria Ladson-Billings

Selected Websites

BBC Multifaith Holiday Calendar

BBC Overview of Religious Traditions from Around the World

BeliefNet Overview of Religious Traditions from Around the World

First Amendment Schools: Addressing Religion in Public Schools

(Note: The information on these websites may not represent the full range of religious beliefs and practices in the world or within each faith tradition. Consult multiple sources and perspectives to ensure that you accurately represent the diversity of views.)