Conscience Objections
The legal landscape of conscience objections in health care is dynamic and evolving. Conscience laws protect health care professionals from performing procedures that violate their deeply held religious or moral beliefs. These laws have also been used to restrict access to medical goods and services such as reproductive and gender-affirming care.
This FREE e-learning helps providers navigate the complexities of conscience rules, with a special focus on LGBTQ+ patient care. We introduce the I CARE Model as a method for responding respectfully to conscience objections.
This course is ideal for health care providers, medical educators, and students. We hope this e-learning will foster understanding, affirmation, and equitable care for diverse patients, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals.
Click here to access the course. (You will need to use your email address to create a profile.)
Watch the webinar:
Balancing Beliefs and Care: Navigating Health Care Conscience Objections, a panel of experts in ethics, law, and medicine discussing this complex issue.
To learn more about Tanenbaum’s Health Care program, please contact us at [email protected].
The Conscience Objections learning modules are made possible through the generous support of the:
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation