Notwithstanding unprecedented challenges, Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action Network is busy on the frontlines strengthening communities & confronting armed conflicts every day.
Tanenbaum CEO, Joyce Dubensky & staff recently published a groundbreaking piece in the Journal of Interreligious Studies (JIRS) in partnership with Harvard Divinity School’s Religions and the Practice of Peace Colloquium. Their article, Building Peace Through Trans-local Community and Collaboration: The Tanenbaum Peacemakers in Action Network, explores the Network’s 32 religiously motivated Peacemakers and their work in conflict zones across the globe.
The piece shares how Tanenbaum Peacemakers organically built a Network, how they structured it, and how it has evolved. From a loose group of allies, our Peacemakers now work together and collaborate in conflicts through Tanenbaum-facilitated “interventions”.
Peacemaker Hind Kabawat’s story, alongside other Peacemaker stories, is woven throughout to illustrate how the Network serves as an effective model for structuring peace vis-a-vis peacebuilding writ large.
Want to understand more about what a Peacemakers Network really can be? Read the full article here.