We are proud to present Tanenbaum’s newest curriculum: Transforming Conflict: Tools for Building Respect in Our Diverse World!
Geared to grades 6-12 but readily adaptable, this curriculum teaches social and emotional skills of conflict transformation. It also elevates the stories of Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action to connect student learning to real-world experiences.
Students will:
- Understand the conflict is a normal part of living in a diverse world
- Practice skills of self-understanding, respectful communication, and empathetic concern
- Learn about role models among Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action who are transforming conflicts around the globe
- Explore how to apply conflict transformation skills in everyday life
Transforming Conflict is designed to be adaptable. Teachers can implement it to supplement pre-existing curricula, build community in their classroom, or give students a unique extracurricular or after-school learning experience.