Teacher Self-Assessment: Religious Inclusivity in the Classroom

On a scale of 1-10, where 10 means “I do this very well” and 1 means “I need to work on this,” please rate how well you achieve the following inclusivity goals in your classroom:

Goal Rating Examples of how you implement this goal Barriers to achieving this goal Next steps
When addressing the topic of religion, I include both religious and
non-religious diversity as an element of identity.
I address both religious and non-religious holidays, celebrations,
and traditions equally and regularly throughout the year.
I explain to students, parents, and colleagues why it is important
to talk about religious and non-religious diversity.
I emphasize that religious and non-religious identities are
internally diverse and constantly changing.
Goal Rating Examples of how you implement this goal Barriers to achieving this goal Next steps
I design lessons and projects that provide space for students to
express their diversity, including their religious or non-religious
I promote nuanced and sophisticated representations of different
religious and cultures that avoid stereotyping or tokenism.
I obtain support from families so that students can share their
families’ backgrounds, traditions, and customs.
I am mindful of spokesperson syndrome (asking someone to represent
all members of a particular group), and allow students to share multiple
stories, accounts, and testimonies within a particular tradition.

Additional notes: