Teacher Self-Assessment: Conflict and Difficult Conversations

On a scale of 1-10, where 10 means “I do this very well” and 1 means “I need to work on this,” please rate how well you achieve the following competencies in your classroom:

Goal  Rating  Examples of how you implement this goal Barriers to achieving this goal Next steps
When addressing the topic of conflict, I include a diverse array of
thoughts, opinions and ideas that acknowledge both religious and
non-religious diversity.
I actively seek out opportunities to incorporate diverse
perspectives, cultures, and experiences into classroom discussions and
curriculum materials.
I design lessons and activities that provide space and time for
students to share self-knowledge about their personal beliefs.
I regularly reflect on teaching practices to ensure equitable
treatment of all students, regardless of their backgrounds or
I role model and teach the necessary skills for students to engage
in active listening, respectful questioning, and empathy.
I implement strategies to create a safe and inclusive classroom
environment where all students feel respected, valued, and
I design lessons and activities that allow students to examine and
discuss differences among people with open-minded respect and regard for
the dignity of others.
I address instances of disrespect or discrimination promptly and
constructively, using them as teachable moments to reinforce the
importance of empathy and understanding.
I actively challenge harmful stereotypes when creating materials,
presentations, and lessons.
I facilitate collaborative learning experiences that promote
teamwork, cooperation, and mutual support among students from diverse
I provide learning opportunities where students explore the
perspectives of others and learn to recognize and challenge harmful
I encourage open dialogue and respectful communication among
students, even when discussing controversial or sensitive topics.
Our classroom community demonstrates empathy and compassion for
others with different religious and non-religious beliefs.
I encourage student voice and agency by inviting input and feedback
on classroom activities, policies, and decision-making processes.
I design learning experiences that encourage critical thinking,
inquiry, and problem-solving, challenging students to analyze complex
issues from multiple perspectives.

Additional notes: