Dear Tanenbaum Community,
We’re thrilled to share that Tanenbaum’s new Education webpages are live!
- Educators can browse by grade level and topic area of over 100 free to download lessons designed to help students develop communication skills that promote respect for religious differences.
- Our three full curricula —Transforming Conflict, World Olympics, and Religions in My Neighborhood, remain available for free download.
- The new Tanenbaum Bookshelf presents topic-specific and age-appropriate readings for classrooms.
- Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action profiles offer real-world examples of transforming conflict that help teachers elevate text-to-self connections.
- Discover customizable training opportunities.
- Meet Tanenbaum’s Network of Inclusive Educators.
To learn more, email us at [email protected].
Rev. Mark Fowler, CEO, Tanenbaum, and the Education Team