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“Injustice Will Be Overcome By Justice” Dr. Ephraim Isaac, Peacemaker in Action

Dear Tanenbaum Community –

The people we surround ourselves with shape our worldviews. Too often, Black voices go unheard or are lost in the sea of historical narratives that do not include the Black experience in its fullness.
Hear Peacemaker in Action, Dr. Ephraim Isaac, describe how his faith inspires and encourages him to fight injustice. Listen as he describes how his racial identity shaped his experiences in religious spaces. Do you share his hope for the future?
As Black History Month draws to a close, I would encourage you to spend time examining the intersection of identities, all year long and expand your range of narratives. Diversifying the voices you see, hear and learn from every day is no small task, and it requires intentionality. And the benefits are immeasurable.
With reflection & hope,
Rev Mark Fowler
CEO, Tanenbaum