
Transforming Conflict, p. 23

Lesson Name

Tools for Building Respect from Diverse Religions

Grade Band

Middle School (6-8)

High School (9-12)

Required Material/s
  • Copies of Handout 1: Teachings of Respect in Diverse Religions

  • Scissors

  • Tape

  • Plain paper for draft versions of public service announcement (PSA) posters

Standards / Competencies

CASEL Core Competencies:

  • Relationship skills

  • Responsible decision-making

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-management

  • Social awareness

Common Core ELA-Literacy Standards:

  • Speaking and listening

  • Writing

NCSS Social Studies Themes:

  • Culture

  • Individuals, groups, and institutions

  • Civic ideals and practices

  • Individual development and identity

  • Global connections

Recommended Time 50 minutes
Essential Question What can different religions teach us about interpersonal respect?
Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Learn about different teachings on showing respect from diverse religions.

  • Recognize how showing respect can support positive interactions between individuals and groups.

  • Connect behaviors demonstrating respect to opportunities to build respect between diverse individuals and groups.

Important Vocabulary
  • Norm: An accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with.

  • Respect: Recognizing the value of another person and treating them accordingly.

Activating Prior Knowledge Invite students to walk around the room and view the different teachings on interpersonal respect from diverse religions that have been taped on the walls.
Core Instruction

Ask: What kinds of behaviors do you think we would find in a place where people practice respect for each other?

Distribute one strip of paper to each student. After students have had a chance to read their teaching, ask if there are words or phrases they do not understand or would like to learn more about. Ask different students to read their teaching to the class until all 12 have been shared.

Ask: Why do you think people from these different religions thought it was important to have teachings on showing respect?

Ask: What are some similarities or differences in the messages we have just heard?

Ask: How many of you have heard of the “Golden Rule?” Why do you think these statements are sometimes called Golden Rule teachings?

Say: Another way to explore this concept of respect is through a variation of the Golden Rule called the “Platinum Rule,” which is sometimes described like this: “Treat others as they would want to be treated.”

Ask: How might following the Platinum Rule show interpersonal respect in a different way from Golden Rule teachings?

Wrap-up Instruct students to work in pairs to make a script for a short video or poster for a school-wide PSA encouraging peers and teachers to interact with respect for each other.
Learning Beyond Classroom Walls

Taking Informed Action:

Choose one religion from the teachings on interpersonal respect from world religions. Research ways that this teaching is expressed in that religion.

Choose one religion from the teachings on interpersonal respect from world religions. Research ways that this teaching has been expressed at different times throughout history.

Think of an example from literature where a character does or does not act according to the universal messages conveyed across all the different teachings on interpersonal respect. Explain your choice and what you notice about this character’s interactions with others.

Download this lesson to access handouts.