Last week, Tanenbaum received troubling information that Peacemaker in Action, Ricardo Esquivia, is facing severe political persecution in Colombia. Recently, a key associate of Ricardo’s was arrested on false charges and several others received written death threats. There is also evidence that the military is building a case against Ricardo, accusing him of being a guerrilla allied with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. Though there are many details that still need to be confirmed, we believe the threats against Ricardo and the members of his peace movement are real and that their lives and safety are at risk.
Ricardo received Tanenbaum’s Peacemaker in Action award in 2005 for his work as a driver of peace and community development in Colombia. For over 40 years, Ricardo has helped conflict-affected communities peacefully reconcile differences and build a better future. Despite his work for peace (or because of it), Ricardo has been repeatedly threatened, baselessly, with detention or legal action. It is time to end this harassment of a proven servant of the Colombian people.
This is a situation where the Peacemakers in Action Network and YOU can have a huge impact. The Peacemakers prepared a Statement of Solidarity to show their support and encourage the public to act. By calling on the leaders identified within the Statement, YOU can help ensure the safety and freedom of Ricardo and the members of his peace movement.
The Peacemakers in Action Network stands as a voice for peace and justice. Today, they call on YOU to ensure the Colombian authorities to heed our collective demands and end political persecution of Ricardo Esquivia and his associates in Montes de Maria – immediately!
What you can do:
Follow the steps outlined in the Peacemakers in Action Network Statement of Solidarity