On Wednesday night, Tanenbaum was honored to become the 2018 recipient of the Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize from Hofstra University. It moved me to receive this award on behalf of Tanenbaum, particularly because it is dedicated to our shared humanity. All of us at Tanenbaum are inspired and renewed in our resolve to emulate the spirit of the award.
Sardar Ishar Singh Bindra and Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra, together with their family, established the Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize to promote interreligious dialogue, understanding and the universality of humanity. That, alone, would have been a major contribution to all of us. But the Bindra family does more—exemplifying faith in practice at its best. Their Sikh faith has guided their efforts to benefit others and society through philanthropy. And by promoting greater understanding of Sikh culture, identity and belief, the Bindra family is enriching our society and culture and expanding our capacity for greater understanding and respect.
We are proud that Tanenbaum’s work so powerfully compliments the work and vision of the Bindra family and Hofstra University. In our work, Tanenbaum creates societal spaces that are respectful of religious difference (including in schools, hospitals and workplaces). When we celebrate our differences, we embody the spirit of universalism envisioned by the Guru Nanak. We are honored to be recognized as a part of this important work. And we are inspired by Guru Nanak’s vision to continue onward.