What is the current state of religio-cultural competence in Israeli health care? Through a series of in-depth interviews with health care providers and cultural competence experts, Tanenbaum surveyed what is currently in place to care for diverse patient populations. We then recommended approaches for making patient care even better. Our findings are available in English, Hebrew and Arabic.
Israel is a country where religion plays an important role in many people’s lives, and where there is great diversity among and within religious traditions. As a result, religious identity is a key social factor that can affect patients’ health care preferences, as well as the care they receive. While many providers in Israel recognize these issues, training and resources are sparse.
Tanenbaum, in collaboration with Three Faiths Forum Middle East, has therefore developed cutting-edge materials designed to support Israeli health care providers and institutions in providing religio-culturally competent care for patients from across the spectrum of religious backgrounds and practices.
Made possible with the generous support of the Polonsky Foundation and the Sternberg Foundation