Tanenbaum’s 15 Peacemakers in Action threw off their jetlag to participate in a full day of trainings from morning to night. They attended sessions about the Peacemakers Delegation to Nigeria, trainings on social media, a presentation about building networks, and a final group workshop to brainstorm the purposes of a potential Peacemakers in Action Network.
They also stopped their work to remember two Peacemakers who died in the years since their last retreat in Sarajevo, Osnat Aram-Daphna from Israel and Reverend Dr. Roy Magee from Ireland. Not to mention, some woke up at 4:30 am for Suhoor- a predawn meal before a day of fasting for Ramadan- while others had a special dinner in preparation for the Tisha B’av fast tomorrow. And the people who woke up early for Suhoor forgot their keys and couldn’t get back to their rooms until 7 am!
If only we could all have such energy and motivation!