As our anniversary year draws to a close, I wanted to share the difference you’ve made through Tanenbaum’s accomplishments over these first 30 years:
- Our Workplace program has provided global corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies with trainings and resources to create inclusive workspaces for over 73,000 employees.
- Our Education program has impacted almost 50,000 students to develop respectful curiosity within classrooms through our Religions in My Neighborhood curriculum.
- Our Health Care program has equipped over 100,000 medical providers with Tanenbaum’s Medical Manual for Religio-Cultural Competence, which helps ensure more compassionate medical care by incorporating the role religion plays in patients’ health care decisions.
- Tanenbaum’s Peacemakers in Action Network has provided inspiring stories and models that have been presented to 6,100 professionals in the peacebuilding and diplomatic circles.
With ongoing support from you and many others, Tanenbaum will continue to provide effective, tangible solutions to build communities where everyone belongs. As the country and the world continue to discern what it means to be an inclusive society, Tanenbaum’s work has never been more critical.
Please donate here and support Tanenbaum with a year-end gift. Every dollar donated through December 31st will be matched by a challenge grant from the Wayfarer Foundation – up to $30,000.