News & Events

Join us in DC on Jan. 12 – Celebrate Religious Freedom and Business

Dear Friends,

On January 16, 2016, the United States will celebrate religious freedom. Each year, the President declares this date as Religious Freedom Day and calls upon Americans to observe this day through appropriate events and activities.
In advance of Religious Freedom Day, on Tuesday, Jan. 12th at 10:00am, we invite you to a high level event on business and religious freedom at the Newseum in Washington, DC. Gordon H. Smith, President & CEO, National Assoc. of Broadcasters, will give the keynote.
Please join Tanenbaum, the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation and the Religious Freedom Center to discuss how businesses can successfully negotiate religious freedom and workplace issues. In an era when millennials are especially concerned for fairness and equality for all, respecting the religion and beliefs of employees is not only fair and good policy, but is also good for business.
Click here to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you there!
In friendship,
Mark Fowler,
Managing Director of Programs