Today something ended. And something new began.
Our time with the Peacemakers is coming to an end for this 2011 retreat. And today, everything changed. The Peacemakers gave up being just a community of peace practitioners, who sometimes come together because of Tanenbaum so that they can share, learn new techniques and be nourished. Today, these individuals spoke as one voice and reached a critical decision – changing our work and theirs forever.
They now stand in partnership with Tanenbaum – our Peacemakers in Action – and they committed to taking action together. The horrors of war are just too great, the risks of terrorism too vast, the human needs to be met too serious. And these individuals – whose lives are really so necessary and so threatened – are committed to working together with Tanenbaum as their sponsoring organization so that they can increase their impact globally and transform conflicts across the world. It's time for those who hate to beware. The Peacemakers in Action Network is here!
– Joyce S. Dubensky, CEO, Tanenbaum