Dear Friends,
These past weeks, secluded in my home due to covid-19, have brought up a lot of hard feelings. But amid all of this, I’m also finding a lot that makes me grateful. And I am finding the time to appreciate the power of that feeling.
I’m grateful for those dearest to me—my family, friends, and community. And how we are now making time to be connected more often.
I’m grateful that, like so many others, my family found a way to celebrate our holidays. This year I attended the largest and the smallest Passover Seder of my life. Hosted by my son, I sat with my husband alone at our table, while technology made possible a celebration that included people from across the country.
What stood out for me was how proud and grateful I am to my son for leading all of us in traditional prayers, stories, and songs—and for reminding us of our responsibility to care for the hungry (every day), to include those who are different (always), and to pursue freedom (for everyone). That work must continue. During and after covid-19.
I’m grateful for other things, too.
Like our global recognition of essential workers who make this secluded time safer and easier—the delivery workers, health care personnel, and leaders who are problem-solving in real-time. We have a responsibility to recognize them and be grateful—but also to remember how very important they are when these days are finally behind us.
I’m also grateful that Tanenbaum’s work is still making a difference even in the midst of this pandemic. We’re offering new online resources and webinars, conferring with our Corporate Members, and available to all those with whom we work so that we can respond to covid-19 together.
In these days, for which there is no description, I find that gratitude not only gives me hope, it shows me a pathway forward and helps me focus on the people and actions that are really important, both today and tomorrow.
Stay safe, secure and healthy.
With gratitude,
Joyce S. Dubensky
Tanenbaum CEO