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Getting Holy Days & Rituals Right – Health Care Insights

Dear Friends,

This month, Tanenbaum’s Health Care Insights series features the intersection of holy day and ritual observances and patient care. One example involves Ramadan, which ended on the evening of Friday, June 24th. What do we mean? Read on.

The Scenario: A Muslim patient with diabetes is determined to fast for Ramadan.

Click here to learn what a health care provider needs to know to balance the patient’s health with his/her religious observance, and to review more examples of religious observance showing up in health and hospital care.

Explore the many ways religion and health care intersect! For additional case studies from our medical school curriculum, click here. To learn more about the relationship between religion and health care, purchase Tanenbaum’s full Medical Manual here.

In friendship,

Joyce S. Dubensky

P.S. (Contact us for discounted bulk and institutional purchase rates for the eBook version.)