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Free Tanenbaum Medical School Curriculum

TriggerTopicsDid you know 84% of the U.S. population identifies as religious?

Did you know that this has significant impact on the health care decisions of patients and families?

Did you ever wonder how physicians can better address this topic with their patients?

To help answer these questions, Tanenbaum released today two free, downloadable training resources for medical educators.

Religious and Cultural Competence for Medical Students: Advancing Patient-Centered Care includes two self-contained 90-minute class/sessions:

Last month we released Improving Patient Care through Religious and Cultural Competence: A Training Program for Residents, a curriculum that provides more extensive resources and addresses even more topics including:

  • Culture & Mental Health: The impact of Religion on Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Professionalism: When Religion, Conscience and Health Care Clash
  • Health Disparities for LGBT Youth: The Role of Religion
  • Religion and Culture in an Outpatient Clinic Setting

Click here to download the free resource Religious and Cultural Competence for Medical Students: Advancing Patient-Centered Care.

Click here to learn more about and purchase Tanenbaum’s training program for residents.

Please share this information with your colleagues and networks.

If you have any questions, email [email protected] or call 212.967.7707.

Religious and Cultural Competence for Medical Students: Advancing Patient-Centered Care was made possible with the generous support of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and the Louis and Rachel Rudin Foundation. The comprehensive residency program, Improving Patient Care through Religious and Cultural Competence: A Training Program for Residents, was made possible with the generous support of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations.