From our Executive Vice President & CEO, Joyce Dubensky…
We are so busy, I am simply amazed at the volume of productive work that needs to be done. Just last week – in Florida and Pennsylvania – Tanenbaum provided “how to” trainings in religion and health care. Those words don’t fully convey what we did. I had the privilege of working mainly with hospital/health care chaplains (but also nurses and students) at Moravian Theological Seminary. Steve Simmons, Director of Continuing Education, brought us in, and we spent an entire day reviewing how people from lots of traditions make health decisions based on their religious beliefs and practices.
As usual, I learned as much as I shared. For example, there are programs now where medical students follow chaplains around to learn what they do – so that they can understand why they are such a critical part of the health team. The professionally trained chaplains talked about the extensive training they receive. That means that they know how to work with people who have spiritual needs – but also with those who don’t. And that is why they can add so much to the medical team – as educators, conflict mediators, and leaders in ensuring that patients are truly getting the best, patient-centered care!
But that’s not all. I was also at the American Academy of Religion in Atlanta, where I presented on our report,
Religious Peacemaking in Higher Education, on a panel. The other panelists were brilliant and talked about a number of important issues including the growth of and diversity within the evangelical Christian movement around the world and conflict in the Congo, where Bishop Ntambo works. It was a real treat to share what we do at Tanenbaum, which is different and very concrete, in contrast to their studies. Our respective approaches clearly compliment one another. And as wel start our in-depth case study of the religious peace work of Bishop Ntambo this month, I’m especially grateful to be learning more about the challenges in his country.
Some days, I think I have the best job/life in the world.