“Before I took this course, I didn’t realize how much I was using stereotypes in my lesson on Native Americans. I started adding more resources to talk about the Native American tribes as they are now. My students at one point asked me, ‘Why did all the Indians go away?’ I explained to them that they didn’t go away…” –Cultivating Global Citizenship participant and NYC educator
Today’s students are growing up in an incredibly diverse and globalized society. Every day, they encounter people and cultures different than their own, whether on the news, in their neighborhoods or at school. Yet stereotypes and misunderstanding abound, leading to bullying and disruptive, ineffective learning environments. How do we prepare students to explore multiculturalism and treat their peers with respect?
Tanenbaum’s intensive professional development course for educators, Cultivating Global Citizenship, prepares teachers to address these challenges head-on. Over the course of six days, teachers learn about the role of diversity, identity and culture – including religion – in their classrooms. Through interactive discussions and thought-provoking activities, teachers explore Tanenbaum’s Seven Principles for Inclusive Education. They eventually incorporate the Seven Principles, as well as Common Core standards, into culturally-inclusive lessons that they design during the course.
The result? Teachers who have taken Cultivating Global Citizenship leave the course with a newfound understanding of when, why and how to address multiculturalism in their classrooms.
One past participant reflected, “I realize more now how necessary it is to include diversity in every aspect of my work – NOT just skimming over or skirting around issues.”
From world history to algebra, kindergarten to high school, every classroom includes students from a variety of backgrounds. Now is the time to create inclusive lessons – in every subject. Now is the time to prepare students for life in a globalized, multicultural world. Now is the time to address diversity and cultivate respect for all cultures, all religions, all citizens.
“The cultural and religious diversity of our schools requires teachers equipped with the knowledge and tools to create an environment to address student’s needs. This course would be invaluable to any educator in our city school system.” –NYC Department of Education Evaluator
Cultivating Global Citizenship Summer 2012 begins July 23 – will you be there?
Additional information is available on the New York City DOE After School Professional Development Program (ASPDP) web site and Tanenbaum’s website.