
Tanenbaum’s pedagogy is the result of over 30 years of experience working with teachers, administrators, students, and parents in K-12 and other educational institutions. Our innovative strategies are proven to build inclusive learning spaces where students of all identities flourish.

Creating inclusive learning spaces

Our internationally recognized Seven Principles for Inclusive Education build inclusive and respectful learning spaces. Appropriate for any learning environment, our Principles provide practical strategies for helping all learners feel safe, seen, heard, and respected. They are the foundation of all of our educational resources and teacher training programs.

Tanenbaum’s Seven Principles for Inclusive Education:

1. Teaching All Students

When educators teach the same material in different ways, lessons are more interesting and tangible to a greater number of students.

2. Exploring Multiple Identities

Students whose identities are affirmed feel proud of themselves and excited by the world—around them, becoming compassionate and understanding people.

3. Preventing Prejudice

When educators proactively model how to debunk preconceived stereotypes, students see each other with curiosity and respect.

4. Promoting Social Justice

Students know what’s fair, but may not know what is equitable. Educators should explore issues of social justice, equity and access with students.

5. Choosing Appropriate Materials

Inclusive classrooms use books and materials that reflect accurate images of diverse peoples and challenge stereotypes.

6. Teaching And Learning About Cultures & Religions

Educators can build curiosity and expand students’ horizons by teaching about diverse traditions and allowing students to learn from their peers.

7. Adapting and Integrating Lessons Appropriately

Educators should be flexible when using any curricula. Many of the most teachable moments are unplanned and unscripted.

Building behaviors of respect

Tanenbaum’s Six Behavioral Learning Outcomes outline key components of respectful behavior. They include cognitive goals such as recognition of religious diversity and self-understanding, as well as key skills of communication, active listening, and empathy. Helping students achieve these outcomes is the goal of our work, and results from applying our Seven Principles of Inclusive Education.

Tanenbaum’s Six Behavioral Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to...

1. Explain

that diversity (including religious diversity) is a commonplace feature of communities, both large and small, throughout their society.

2. Share self-knowledge

about their personal beliefs.

3. Demonstrate skills

of active listening, respectful questioning, and showing concern for the feelings of others.

4. Examine and discuss differences

among people with open-minded respect and regard for the dignity of others.

5. Take the perspective of others

as they examine identity from multiple points of view, recognizing and challenging harmful stereotypes and unjust norms, recognizing others’ strengths, and developing positive relationships.

6. Demonstrate empathy and compassion

for others with different religious and nonreligious beliefs and recognize that religious differences are commonplace in their own families, neighborhoods, classrooms, schools, and extended communities.


The comprehensive version of Seven Principles for Inclusive Education


The comprehensive version of Seven Principles for Inclusive Education in Spanish*


An illustrated 2-page summary


An illustrated 2-page summary in Spanish*


Tanenbaum’s Six Behavioral Learning Outcomes


*Spanish Translation produced by